Randall Knife Society: For People Who Love Randall Knives
For a number of years, this was the online home for the Randall Knife Society.
Content is from the site's archived pages offering just a glimpse of what this site offered its members and visitors.
The current site for the Randall Knife Society is found at http://rkcc-rkca.com/
Randall Knife Society
P.O. Box 158
Meadows of Dan, VA 24120
The Randall Knife Society has over 2,300 members and was formed in 1989 by Rhett and Janie Stidham with the approval of Randall Made Knives, Orlando, Florida. The Society is for people who love Randall knives. But even if you just like keeping up with what's going on in the knife world, the Society newsletter is for you.
Each quarterly newsletter is 10 pages and you receive 4 each year. They keep you up to date on what's happening at the Randall Shop. Also there are articles about collectible and old Randalls and more. As a member you are also entitled to free use of the classified section which is a great place to buy or sell your Randall knives. Being a member also makes you eligible for any club knife offerings or other Society promotions. Yearly dues are only $20.00 Domestic and $25.00 Foreign.
Past RKS Club Knives
Shown below are the first four club knives (with variations). Club knives are only available for purchase to current Society members. Unfortunately all these issues are Sold Out.
RKSA1 - First Club knife (Sold Out)
At the issue time of the first club knife, the RKS was called, The Randall Knife Society of America, therefore the reason for the RKSA1 designation for this first knife.
A Note Of Interest: The first time I saw a Randall knife and learned about the RKSA was while helping a neighbor move her piano. In a display case were number of gorgeous knives that were really works of art. This woman who collects knives has a very unusual job, working for a medical waste disposal service. They pick up bio-hazardous waste generated by doctors - think sharps disposal - that's what they call syringes. And she works on the company website as a webmaster and designer. But her main interest was in the Randall Knife Society and her collection of some special blades. I learned the history of the products and the influence of Bo Randall on both the knives and the business. BTW: It turned out to be a fascinating piano move.
564 Stag handle knives made, 436 black micarta knives made: total = 1,000 knives made. First knives delivered in 1991.
Description of the knife is as follows: RKSA SPECIAL FIGHTER 5 inch Blade of 01 Swedish tool steel, brass and blue spacers with brass double hilt, black micarta concave handle or stag handle. Smooth brass "coolie-cap" cap butt or on stag a thin brass plate for butt. A black Model A sheath or brown model A sheath for stag knife. Etched on Reverse side: RKSA Serial #/Member # Price: $290 (Sold out as of 1/1/1992)
RKS2 - Second Club knife (Sold Out)
This knife was first offered to the membership in 1995. 338 Micarta handle knives and 298 stag handle knives were made.
Each knife has a 4-1/2 inch blade of 3/16 inch 440B stainless. Each knife will be etched on the back of the blade with "RKS knife number / member number".
The stag version has brass and red spacers and the single hilt will be brass. A round 1/2" diameter brass RKS shield will be inlaid in the butt of the stag handle. A brown Sullivan sheath was included with each stag knife and each sheath had the Society logo on the front. Price: $262.00 (Sold Out)
The black micarta version of the RKS2 club knife has aluminum and black spacers and a border patrol handle with a duralumin crow's beak butt. The single hilt will be nickel silver. A round 1/2 inch diameter RKS silver shield will be inlaid in the front side of the handle. This knife knife came with a black Sullivan sheath with the Society logo on the front. Price $285.00 (Sold out)
RKS3 - Third Club knife (Sold Out)
This knife was first offered to the membership in 1997. 860 knives were made.
The 5-3/4 inch blade is a slightly smaller version of the 1988 issue of the Randall 50th Anniversary Commemorative Knife, which had a 7-1/2 inch blade. Very similar in shape, blade wise, you will once again, see and feel, the strong influence of Bill Scagel on Bo Randall's early knives.
The 5-3/4 inch blade is of imported Swedish .01 tool steel and shows vividly the late 1930's shape of the early Randall blade. The brass guard is much smaller than what you would see, say on a Model 3, again showing an early Randall look.
There are a total of seventeen spacers on this knife. The spacers go from the hilt: 6 regular spacers in a combination of black, brass, red and white; a thick 1/4 inch black micarta spacer; 3 spacers red, aluminum and red; another thick 1/4 inch black micarta spacer; and finally 6 spacers in a combination of black, brass, red and white again. Then comes the stag handle with a 9/16 inch (compass size) Randall Knife Society club medallion in the butt. The knife comes with a natural leather Sullivan sheath.
The price was $320.00 (Sold out)
During the RKS3 club knife, production run by the Randall shop, there were fourteen (14) knives that had a different spacer arrangement than the standard RKS3 club knife. Prototypes, one of a kinds, or just plain shop mistakes in the spacer arrangement.
As previously mentioned, the main difference between this knife and a standard RKS3 club knife is the spacer arrangement. You have to examine one beside of the other to see the difference.
Each knife is etched RKS3 SPECIAL plus the serial number one through fourteen, i.e., "RKS3 SPECIAL #001" THRU "RKS3 SPECIAL #014".
Each knife has two sheaths. The standard RKS3 Model B, no stone pocket sheath, and a Model A sheath with stone pocket.
The price was $375.00 plus shipping. The 1997 price for the RKS3 club knife was $320.00 but that was with one sheath. All of the applicants for this knife were chosen by a drawing at the Blade Show meeting in June, 1999
RKS3 Membership Drive (Ivory Spacers) (Sold Out)
The knife shown here is one of the last RKS3 club knives made. But this knife is very different in that the 1/4" black micarta spacers have been replaced with two 3/8" genuine ivory spacers. The last four RKS3 club knives have these ivory spacers. The ivory spacer knives are # RKs857, RKS858, RKS859 and RKS860.
Greg Gutcher donated a special alligator sheath for this knife.
RKS4 - Fourth Club knife (Sold Out)
Shown here are the RKS4 club knives, made by Randall Made Knives for the Randall Knife Society. The top knife has a stag handle and nickel silver double hilt. Price: $362.00 The bottom knife has a leather handle and a brass double hilt. Price: $310.00 Available only in imported .01 tool steel, not in stainless. Gary Randall is calling this knife the Model 4, 8 inch Fighter. A customer sent in an old model of this knife for repairs. Gary said he knew this knife existed, after seeing a picture of movie star great, Robert Taylor, wearing one in a World War II, Randall file photo, but had never seen one before. 1,200 knives were sold. 816 stag handle knives and 384 leather.
RKS5 - Fifth Club knife (Sold Out)
(Photo by Hiro Soga, Japanese Knife Magazine)
This knife is the fifth knife in the Randall miniature series and also the fifth Randall Knife Society club knife
This knife is a miniature drop point hunter. 1,500 knives were made. Offered to members of the Randall Knife Society only. The full price was $478.00 plus $10.00 shipping and handling. Delivery began January 2006. This was the first RKS club knife that an official miniature zipper case was also offered for $10.00.
- Handle: Black Micarta
- Stainless Blade length: 3-1/2 inches
- Brass guard
- Sullivan sheath
- Stamped with the Randall logo "M" stamp signifying a true Randall miniature.
The new home of Stidham's Knives and the Randall Knife Society. Located in Meadows of Dan, Virginia at the the intersection of US 58 and the Blue Ridge Parkway (mile post 178). Twenty-one miles east of Hillsville, Virginia.
Please call for an appointment - (276) 952-2500
Hours: By Appointment Only until June 27, 2009 then back to regular summer hours. They are Friday and Saturday 10 am -5 pm, Sunday 1-5 pm. Always best to call first as we do a lot of shows and other types of loafing on the weekends.
Open June 27, 2009
Meadows Edge Knife and Antique Shop
2554 JEB Stuart HWY
Meadows of Dan, Virginia 24120
Phone: 276-952-2500